How much does strategic planning cost?

The longer answer: there’s a lot of factors that impact the cost of strategic planning. Things like:

This is why you don’t see prices on websites for consulting firms. It’s complicated. However, we will do our best to explain the variables.

Consultants are essentially selling their time. It’s a finite resource, so the more time a project takes, the higher the cost. We want to shine a light on the process so you can head into your next round of strategic planning better informed.

The Price Range for Strategic Planning

We have developed dozens of plans with organizations ranging in size from $1 million to $800 mil in annual revenue. We have also seen plenty of competitive proposals from our peers. The range you can expect to pay is between $20,000 and $115,000.

There are some exceptions on either end of this scale, but most orgs will fit in this range.

What Do YOU Mean by “Strategic Planning”?

When you hire a consultant for strategic planning, there’s two types of deliverables: a process and a set of outputs.

Get clear on what you expect for each of these, and what the consultant is offering.

Here are a few common examples of outputs that result from a strategic planning engagement:

In terms of process, do you need to update your Mission, Values, Beliefs, etc., as part of the engagement? We recommend that orgs who are about to start a strategic planning process, make sure they are clear and aligned on their identity.

Whether it’s one or several sessions, we always spend time strengthening identity before jumping into strategic visioning. Even if the org has a clear Identity, it’s important to begin the strategic visioning process with this Identity top of mind.

Factors that Impact Cost

Several factors about your org – how it functions, the size, the structure – will impact cost. Other factors about the consultant – size of their business, experience, etc. – will impact cost.

How your org impacts the cost:

How the consultant impacts the cost:

Remember: more time = more cost. And more complexity = more time (and thus, more cost).

What to Expect

Here’s some general price ranges you’ll see for strategic planning projects:

As you consider your budget, remember the importance of this process and what it will yield. The clarified Identity and new 3- to 5-year vision that results will guide the direction and fortify the health of the organization. We often see teams that will spend far more on things that return far less results. This is an area that is too important not to invest in.

Curious about how we approach strategic planning? Download our Compass Playbook to learn more about our process.

Thinking about developing your next strategic plan with MMG? We’d love to chat.