Wallace state act testing

Students with valid ACT scores (less than 5 years old from the intended start date) will be placed by ACT sub scores as indicated below:

ACT Test
Cut-off Range
Course Placement
English 1-16 Placement Writing Skills test required
17 ENG 099 Introduction to College Writing and ENG 101 English Composition
18-36 ENG 101 College English Composition
Math 1-16 Placement Math test required
17 MTH 099 Support for Intermediate College Algebra & MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra
18-19 MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra
20+ Math placement based upon high school math class work and performance. See advisor to determine specific placement.

Placement by SAT Scores

Students with valid SAT scores (less than 5 years old from the intended start date) will be placed by SAT sub scores as indicated below:

SAT Test Cut-off Range Course Placement
English Placement Writing Skills test required
> 510 English 101 College English Composition
Math Placement Math test required
510-540 MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra
550-560 MTH 110 Finite Mathematics or MTH 112 Pre-Calculus Algebra
570-580 MTH 113 Pre-Calculus Trigonometry
> 590 MTH 125 Calculus I