Application for free and reduced price school meals milk
Thousands of children across Connecticut participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs each day, receiving benefits that make an important contribution to their overall nutrition and academic success. The forms, policy guidance, and instructions in the Documents/Forms section provide information on the federal and state requirements for free and reduced-price meals and free milk. These resources assist local educational agencies (LEAs) and other program sponsors with determining children's eligibility for free and reduced-price meals and free milk in the USDA Child Nutrition Programs, based on the federal regulations 7 CFR 245, Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools.
Guidance for School Food Authorities
Application Forms for Free and Reduced Meals and Milk
- Documents/Forms section in the left navigation bar
Civil Rights
- Civil Rights for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
Direct Certification
- Direct Certification for School Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Disclosure Release Request for Free or Reduced Eligibility Status (CSDE)
- Final Rule (72 FR 10885): Disclosure of Children's Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk Eligibility Information in the Child Nutrition Programs
- USDA Memo SP 16-2016, CACFP 06-2016 and SFSP 10-2016: Disclosure Requirements for the Child Nutrition Programs
- Eligibility Manual for School Meals (USDA)
- Income Guidelines for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Requirements Before Implementing Web-based Applications (CSDE)
- USDA Memo SP 45-2012: Preventing Overt Identification of Children Certified for Free or Reduced Price School Meals
- USDA Regulations 7 CFR 245: Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools.
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
- Taglines and Providing Meaningful Access to the Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE)
- Sample Taglines Form (CSDE)
- More resources: Limited English Proficiency (LEP) (CSDE's Civil Rights for Child Nutrition Programs webpage)
Parent Guidance
- Parent Video:How to Fill Out the Application for Free and Reduced-price Meals or Free Milk (CSDE) 16-minute video for parents and guardians of schoolchildren
- Promotional Handout:It's More Than a Meal (CSDE) Encourages households to submit a free/reduced-price meal application
Processing Applications and Notifying Households