
The Regular Policy generally provides more comprehensive coverage than the Basic Policy, but at a higher premium.

Policy Limits

Higher Policy Limits are available under the Regular Policy ranging from $100,000 to $10,000,000. Even higher limits and excess coverage may be available under certain circumstances. Available deductibles range from $1,000 to $50,000, depending on the size of Policy Limit. Deductibles apply to both defense costs and any loss payment.

Claim Expense Allowance

All Regular Policies with a Policy Limit of less than $1,000,000 include an additional $50,000 Expense Allowance to pay for claim defense costs that do not decrease the Policy Limit. Defense costs in excess of $50,000 are subtracted from the limit of liability. An additional Claim Expense Allowance may be available for purchase for an additional premium on Regular Policies with a Policy Limit of $1,000,000 or more.


The Regular Policy includes an additional allowance of up to $25,000 to respond to a grievance complaint.

Loss of Earnings

The Regular policy provides $500 for each day a lawyer is out of the office for trial, mediation, arbitration or your own deposition in defending a claim under the policy, with a maximum of $10,000 per Claim and $25,000 per Policy Period.

DTPA and Other Additional Damages

The Regular Policy specifically covers additional damages under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Furthermore, the Regular Policy contains no exclusion for punitive and exemplary damages, mental anguish and emotional distress damages.

Please note these brief highlights of the Regular Policy refers to the unendorsed P-11 policy form which you may, and should, review in detail by clicking here. Any TLIE policy may be endorsed to vary from specimen policies provided to you. Policy provisions may be added or deleted depending upon underwriting circumstances. Please read any quoted policy carefully before deciding if it fits your needs.